This is just a matter of time because most professors have access to at least one trusted plagiarism checker. When caught, such students face serious penalties. Students who plagiarize their essays, research papers, articles, dissertations or any other pieces of papers they present as their own should be prepared for negative consequences. It is essential to use a reliable plagiarism checker. A high degree of uniqueness indicates independence of text: it means that the student has made efforts to research, generalize, analyze and correctly complete the final work and is worthy of high praise for the diploma. This factor affects the assessment of the student’s preparation level.
#Plagiarism checker and rewriter verification#
In this regard, universities require verification of each work for uniqueness. Recently, there have been frequent cases of rewriting, reselling and downloading finished graduate papers.

Unfortunately, not all possess these skills. It shows their mastery of required skills, knowledge of the topic, general cultural and speech level. The purpose of writing an essay, diploma, coursework or any other academic assignment is to indicate knowledge level and students’ skills. This online service is especially in demand within the student community. That is why every person working with content needs a plagiarism checker. The uniqueness of paper is an important component of any intellectual property.